Nudge of the day: Avoid small water leaks

Nudge of the day: Avoid small water leaks

A tap leak consumes 4 liters per hour, over a year this can go up to 35 m3!
Unfortunately these leaks are not uncommon and in addition to the cost that this can generate, it is also to draw on raw resources which could today be preserved.

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Nudge of the day: Avoid small water leaks

The nudge, or « boost » in French, is a theory from behavioral economics, a discipline at the crossroads between economics and psychology, according to which certain social, situational or personal factors can encourage people to adopt a specific behavior. The concept was first expounded by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein: “A nudge is an aspect of choice architecture that predictably alters the behavior of individuals without forbidding any of the options and without significantly changing their economic incentives. To be a pure nudge, the intervention must be easy and inexpensive. (Nudge: the soft method to inspire the right decision – 2010).

The General Terminology and Neology Commission has recommended since 2013 the use of the term « ecological emulation » instead of green nudge in order to describe an « incitement, by ripple effect within a group, to adopt a more eco-friendly « .

The nudge represents a complementary alternative to traditional incentives consisting of informing, imposing and convincing.

The use of nudges in public policies interests and inspires various French public institutions, in particular the General Secretariat for the Modernization of Public Action, which in 2014 saw in nudges a new tool that could be at the service of public action.