A measurement tool: the tourism function index Why a new measurement index? A measurement tool: the tourism function index. In order to be able to have a measure corresponding to the impact of tourism in the territories, we are going to have fun creating a new indicator which we will call the tourist function index

A measurement tool: the tourism function index Lire la suite »

We will see in this article how to apply the Donuts theory to the attractiveness of a territory. Let’s start by explaining the Donuts theory invented by Kate Raworth, that would be a good start. Apply the Donuts theory to the attractiveness of a territory Apply the Donuts theory to the attractiveness of a territory

Apply the Donuts theory to the attractiveness of a territory Lire la suite »

Smart reflection on the digitization of territories A computer story Let’s take a moment for a Smart reflection on the digitization of territories. From the 1980s, IT moved into the professional and personal world, computers became widespread and became an essential productivity tool in most professions. At the end of the 90s, it was the

Smart reflection on the digitization of territories Lire la suite »